My Publications

Kamali, Farnaz; Abtahi, Dariush; Anesthesia management in intracranial juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromaBritish Journal of Anaesthesia108354-3542012OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND
Farzan, Masoumeh Heydari; Abtahi, Dariush; Kamali, Farnaz; Anaesthetic Management of a Case of Osteogenesis ImperfectaBRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA108355-3562012OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND
Mirkheshti, Alireza; Moghadam, Morteza Jabbary; Kalantar, Mohamad Shahab; Abtahi, Dariush; Memary, Elham; A case of death caused by tracheal tube aspirationAnesthesiology and Pain Medicine412014Brieflands
Memary, Elham; Mirkheshti, Alireza; Moghaddam, Morteza Jabbari; Abtahi, Dariush; Yaseri, Mehdi; Kamali, Farnaz; Comparison of the effects of pre-anesthetic administration of normal saline, ringer and voluven on the spread of sensory block with hyperbaric bupivacaine spinal anesthesiaAnesthesiology and pain medicine422014Brieflands
Saadat, Niaki A; Abtahi, Dariush; Predicting the risk of death in patients in intensive care unit2007ARCHIVES OF IRANIAN MEDICINE
Asadpoor-Dezaki, Ziba; Barabady, Afsaneh; Abtahi, Dariush; Comparison of two surgical hand antiseptic techniques: Hand rubbing and hand washing with alcohol-based agent and 7.5% povidone iodineJournal of Critical Care Nursing9482552016Journal of Critical Care Nursing
Kamali, Farnaz; Abtahi, Dariush; Anesthesia in endoscopic and microscopic (hybrid) transsphenoidal surgery for a pituitary adenoma in cushing's disease-a case reportBRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA108355-3552012OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND
Saadatniaki, Asadollah; Momenzadeh, Sirous; Abtahi, Dariush; The post-operative analgesic efficacy of parecoxib compared with celecoxib and placebo after lower limbs orthopedic surgeriesBRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA108411-4122012OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND
Abtahi, D; Ashari, A; Lotfi, Maryam; Acupressure treatment in postoperative nausea and vomiting preventionZahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences732005Brieflands
Tabashi, Soudeh; Mirkheshti, Alireza; Dahi, Mastaneh; Abtahi, Dariush; Vosoughian, Maryam; Sayyadi, Shahram; Moshari, Mohammadreza; Memary, Elham; Dabir, Shideh; Salimi, Sohrab; Supplemental oxygen therapy and non-invasive ventilation in corona virus disease (COVID-19)Journal of Cellular & Molecular Anesthesia5127-312020
Mirkheshti, Alireza; Vishteh, Mina; Tajbakhsh, Ardeshir; Abtahi, Dariush; Falahinejadghajari, Rofeideh; Memary, Elham; The difference between induction and maintenance dosages of propofol for general anesthesia in patients with and without sleep quality disorderPerioperative Care and Operating Room Management211001252020Elsevier
Dabbagh, Ali; Abtahi, Dariush; Aghamohammadi, Homayoun; Ahmadizadeh, Seyyedeh Narjes; Ardehali, Seyed Hossein; Relationship between “simulated patient scenarios and role-playing” method and OSCE performance in senior anesthesiology residents: a correlation assessment studyAnesthesiology and Pain Medicine1052020Brieflands
Hosseini, Maryam Sadat; Hosseini, Afsaneh; Ghaffari, Elnaz; Radfar, Mitra; Shirvani, Fariba; Tabatabai, Shahrzad; Abtahi, Dariush; Mirhadi, Mahsa; Mortazavi, Maziyar; Ariana, Shideh; Evaluation of clinical outcomes of neonates born to mothers with coronavirus (COVID-19) in Shahid Beheshti HospitalsJournal of Education and Health Promotion1011732021Medknow
Sayyadi, Shahram; Moghadam, Morteza Jabbari; Mirkhesthti, Alireza; Memary, Elham; Abtahi, Dariush; Salimi, Sohrab; Tajbakhsh, Ardeshir; Treacher Collins Syndrome; Anesthetic considerations and Molecular FindingsJournal of Cellular & Molecular Anesthesia312018Brieflands
Dabbagh, Ali; Elyassi, Hedayatollah; Sabouri, A Sassan; Vahidshahi, Kourosh; Ziaee, Seyed Amir Mohsen; The role of integrative educational intervention package (monthly ITE, mentoring, mocked OSCE) in improving successfulness for anesthesiology residents in the national board examAnesthesiology and Pain Medicine1022020Brieflands
Memari, Elham; Abtahi, Dariush; Ghorbani, Yousef; SAYADI, SHAHRAM; Evaluation And Comparison Of Administrated Oxytocin Dose Based On “Rule Of Threes” Algorithm With Williams Guideline In The Elective Cesarean DeliveryJOURNAL OF IRANIAN SOCIETY ANAESTHESIOLOGY AND INTENSIVE CARE4310937-472020JOURNAL OF IRANIAN SOCIETY ANAESTHESIOLOGY AND INTENSIVE CARE
Hosseini, Maryamsadat; Farzaneh, Farah; Mirhadi, Mahsa; Mahdavi Anari, Seyed Ali Akbar; Ajori, Ladan; Salehpour, Saghar; Jahed Bozorgan, Tayebeh; Pooransari, Parichehr; Ariana, Shideh; Yaghmaei, Minoo; COVID-19 infection in Iranian pregnant women: a case series of 25 patientsJournal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Cancer Research74286-2952022Farname Inc.(Science-Based Research Institute; Professional Publisher of …
Abtahi, Dariush; Feizi, Mehrdad; Sayadi, Shahram; Tajbakhsh, Ardeshir; Abbaspour, Samira; Salarian, Sara; Mirkheshti, Alireza; The ED90 of Prophylactic Oxytocin Administration in Low vs. High-Risk Parturients in Terms of Post-Parturition Uterine Tonicity; An Up-Down Sequential Allocation Dose-Response StudyJournal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Cancer Research74314-3222022Farname Inc.(Science-Based Research Institute; Professional Publisher of …
Shirian, Sadegh; Samsami, Majid; Abtahi, Dariush; Mirkheshti, Alireza; Zangoue, Malihe; Shakeri, Alireza; Mohammadian, Soudabeh; Memary, Elham; Can Infusion of Lidocaine During Breast Cancer Surgery Promote Higher In-vitro Apoptosis in Comparison with Fentanyl?International Journal of Cancer Management1532022Brieflands
Abtahi, Dariush; Baroutkoub, Mojtaba; Tajbakhsh, Ardeshir; Sayadi, Shahram; Memary, Elham; Shakeri, Alireza; Anesthetic Management in Tibial Fracture of a Known Case of Wolfram Syndrome2022
Abtahi, Dariush; Tajbakhsh, Ardeshir; Dahi, Mastaneh; Alikahi, Marjan; Memary, Elham; Comparison of Intravenous Dexamethasone and Dexmedetomidine for Spinal Anesthesia Quality in Opium-Addicted Patients: A Parallel Double-Blind Randomized Clinical TrialInternational Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction1132022Brieflands
Mirkheshti, Alireza; Hashemian, Morteza; Abtahi, Dariush; Shayegh, Sara; Manafi-Rasi, Alireza; Sayadi, Shahram; Memary, Elham; Karami, Nazli; Rostamian, Baharak; Shakeri, Alireza; Quadratus Lumborum Block versus Fascia Iliaca Compartment Block for Acetabular Fracture Surgery by Stoppa Method: A Double‐Blind, Randomized, Noninferiority TrialPain Research and Management2024137203442024Hindawi
Tajbakhsh, Ardeshir; Abtahi, Dariush; Gholizadeh, Naeimeh; Comparative evaluation of intra-cuff ropivacaine, bupivacaine, and lidocaine on emergence reactions after general anesthesiaNovelty in Biomedicine104232-2402022
Hosseini, Maryam Sadat; Abtahi, Dariush; Tajbakhsh, Ardeshir; Farzaneh, Farah; Sayadi, Shahram; Amjadi, Nooshin; Hosseinzadeh, Maral; Evaluation of the Differences in Plasma Fibrinogen Levels Before and After Cesarean Section and its Association with Intra-and Postoperative BleedingJournal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Cancer Research82157-1662023Farname Inc.(Science-Based Research Institute; Professional Publisher of …
Tajbakhsh, Ardeshir; Salimi, Sohrab; Daftarian, Narsis; Abtahi, Dariush; Effect of music during General Anesthesia on Anesthetic Consumption during vitrectomy surgeryAdvanced biomedical research121592023Medknow
Sayadi, Shahram; Ariana, Shideh; Hosseinzadeh, Maral; Ashari, Arezou; Yeganegi, Tannaz; Memari, Elham; Heshmatkhah, Ebtehaj; Abtahi, Dariush; Efficacy of Prophylactic Intravenous Fibrinogen in Reducing Bleeding in Cesarean Section: A Randomized Controlled TrialJournal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Cancer Research83194-2032023Farname Inc.(Science-Based Research Institute; Professional Publisher of …
Hosseinzadeh, Maral; Heshmatkhah, Ebtehaj; Abtahi, Dariush; Prevalence and Risk Factors of Postpartum Hemorrhage in Cesarean Section: A Retrospective Cohort StudyJournal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Cancer Research83285-2942023Farname Inc.(Science-Based Research Institute; Professional Publisher of …
Abtahi, D; Farzanegan, B; Behagh, S; Raji, P; Dahi, M; Moshari, M; Vosoughian, M; Dabir, S; Sayyadi, S; Tajbakhsh, A; Evaluation of Oxygen Saturation as an Indicator for Tracheal Intubation in Patients With COVID-19: A Prospective Cohort StudyMessenger of ANESTHESIOLOGY AND RESUSCITATION20266-722023Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Нью Терра»
Ashari, Arezou; Abtahi, Dariush; The effect of inhaled Rosa damascena (Damask Rose) aromatherapy on the severity of anxiety in adults following lower extremity orthopedic surgeryJ. Med. Plants By-products2023
Abtahi, Dariush; Saeedi, Nima; Increasing the Success Rate of First-Year Anesthesia Residents Using Ultrasound for Radial Artery Catheterization Compared to the Palpation Method in Adult Surgical PatientsNovelty in Biomedicine11268-762023
Ejmalian, Azar; Nassiri, Nader; Sayyadi, Shahram; Abtahi, Dariush; Memari, Elham; Anesthetic Management of a 9-Years-Old Child Affected by Al-Raqad Syndrome Scheduled for Cataract Surgery: A Case ReportJournal of Cellular & Molecular Anesthesia82135-1382023
Nouri, Mehranoosh; Salimi, Sohrab; Kosha, Mohsen; Abtahi, Dariush; Evaluation of the Effect of Aripiprazole Supplementation in the Prevention of Delirium in Patients Admitted to the General Intensive Care UnitAdvanced Biomedical Research1211982023Medknow
صیادی, شهرام; دفتریان, نارسیس; تاجبخش, اردشیر; معماری, الهام; ابطحی, داریوش; بررسی مقایسه‌ای تأثیر پخش آوای قرآن با صدای سفید بر نیاز به داروی بیهوشی حین عمل جراحی ویترکتومیپژوهش در دین و سلامت9334-462023
Karami, Nazli; Mahoori, Alireza; Karami, Tohid; Shakeri, Alireza; Abtahi, Dariush; Comparing the Ease of Endotracheal Intubation with and without an Intubation Box in COVID-19 PatientsArchives of Anesthesiology and Critical Care103216-2202024
Abtahi, Dariush; Shakeri, Alireza; Tajbakhsh, Ardeshir; Facing PHACES Syndrome; Anesthesiologist’s Point of ViewAnesthesiology and Pain Medicine1362023Brieflands
Shakeri, Alireza; Abtahi, Dariush; Shahmansouri, Marjan; Manafi-Rasi, Alireza; Prophylactic Fibrinogen Reduces Excessive Bleeding in Total Hip Arthroplasty Surgery: A Randomized Double-blinded Placebo-controlled TrialThe Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery (ABJS)11117292023Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
Bhattacharjee, Natalia V; Schumacher, Austin E; Aali, Amirali; Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis; Abbasgholizadeh, Rouzbeh; Abbasian, Mohammadreza; Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen; Abbastabar, Hedayat; Abd ElHafeez, Samar; Abd-Elsalam, Sherief; Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021The Lancet403104402057-20992024Elsevier
Schumacher, Austin E; Kyu, Hmwe Hmwe; Aali, Amirali; Abbafati, Cristiana; Abbas, Jaffar; Abbasgholizadeh, Rouzbeh; Abbasi, Madineh Akram; Abbasian, Mohammadreza; Abd ElHafeez, Samar; Abdelmasseh, Michael; Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021The Lancet403104401989-20562024Elsevier
Naghavi, Mohsen; Ong, Kanyin Liane; Aali, Amirali; Ababneh, Hazim S; Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis; Abbafati, Cristiana; Abbasgholizadeh, Rouzbeh; Abbasian, Mohammadreza; Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen; Abbastabar, Hedayat; Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021The Lancet403104402100-21322024Elsevier
Abtahi, Dariush; Effects of preoperative celecoxib administration on pain control after tibial fracture surgery: A randomized controlled trialResearcher Bulletin of Medical Sciences281e12-e122023
Feigin, Valery L; Abate, Melsew Dagne; Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis; Abd ElHafeez, Samar; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abdelalim, Ahmed; Abdelkader, Atef; Abdelmasseh, Michael; Abd-Elsalam, Sherief; Abdi, Parsa; Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021The Lancet Neurology2310973-10032024Elsevier
Memari, Elham; Abtahi, Dariush; Ghorbani, Yousef; Sayadi, Shahram; بررسی و مقایسه دوز اکسی توسین تجویز شده در سزارین الکتیو بر اساس الگوریتم Rule of Three با پروتکل استاندارد مرجع ویلیامزمجله انجمن آنستزیولوژی و مراقبت‌های ویژه ایران2137-472021
Pardo, Mailer; principles of anesthesia Miller, translator doctor Dariush Abtahi and colleagues, publishing a lofty idea, 1391S735-S736
میرخشتی علیرضا; عرب ملیحه; محمودی نشلی کاظم; قاسمی طاهره; دباغ علی; میرزایی مرضیه; معماری الهام; ابطحی داریوش; اثر سندرم پیش قاعدگی بر میزان مصرف فنتانیل و پروپوفول طی اعمال جراحی لاپاراتومی در فاز فولیکولر قاعدگی2013مجله انجمن آنستزیولوژی و مراقبتهای ویژه ایران
Bryazka, Dana; Reitsma, Marissa B; Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis; Abd Al Magied, Abdallah HA; Abdelkader, Atef; Abdollahi, Arash; Abdoun, Meriem; Abdulkader, Rizwan Suliankatchi; Zuñiga, Roberto Ariel Abeldaño; Abhilash, ES; Forecasting the effects of smoking prevalence scenarios on years of life lost and life expectancy from 2022 to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021The Lancet Public Health910e729-e7442024Elsevier
Athari, Mirbahador; Tajbakhsh, Ardeshir; Mirbolook, Ahmadreza; Beheshtian, Maryamsadat; Forghan, Mobin; Abtahi, Dariush; Management of scoliosis in a pediatric patient with lysyl hydroxylase-3 deficiency: a case reportJournal of Medical Case Reports1814742024BioMed Central London
Zheng, Zhi-Hong; Shakeri, Alireza; Abtahi, Dariush; LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Prophylactic Fibrinogen Reduces Excessive Bleeding in Total Hip Arthroplasty Surgery: A Randomized Double-blinded Placebo-controlled TrialThe Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery (ABJS)1111729-7302023